You’ll have fun if you can just get outside hiking.
Here is my best tip to help you get kids outside hiking today. This tip will help you get out the door so that your family can have fun on the trail. Continue reading
You’ll have fun if you can just get outside hiking.
Here is my best tip to help you get kids outside hiking today. This tip will help you get out the door so that your family can have fun on the trail. Continue reading
Do you know the most important thing to bring when hiking with kids?
Over years of hiking with my kids I have found that this is the single most important thing to bring when I go hiking with kids. This will make sure your hike is fun as opposed to unpleasant. Continue reading
Look – see how I’ve got plenty of water on this hike with my daughter.
I made a hiking gear mistake once when I was young that really taught me a lesson. Of all the essential pieces of hiking gear, I wish I hadn’t forgotten this one. Continue reading
Hiking in hot weather can be fun with the right planning.
Hot weather hiking is something that most people will end up doing at some point in their life. These handy hot weather hiking tips will help you enjoy your hike and not have to deal with potentially serious health issues. Continue reading
Treating your blisters properly will help keep you happy on the trail. These simple tips will teach you what to do if you get blisters when you go hiking. Continue reading
It is a good idea to dress in layers for early season hiking.
These early season hiking tips will help you get the most out of your hiking adventures this spring and summer. Spring and summer are such fun times to get outside with your family or all by yourself.
It is crucial to be able to identify poison ivy because it can turn a fun trip into a very miserable experience. Here are 5 steps to help you identify this bothersome and irritating plant. Continue reading
I am happy to announce that as of today my new Ebook Hiking With Kids is now available for purchase at Amazon! This ebook is perfect for anyone looking to take their kids hiking and want some tips and advice to make it easier and more fun.
Hiking as a family can be an incredibly rewarding and bonding experience. However, that doesn’t mean that it is always easy. Similar to anything a family does together, there can be moments that are challenging. Luckily there are tricks that can help increase the fun times and limit the unpleasantness. In this Ebook I share the benefits and wisdom that I have learned from my years of hiking before kids and with kids. Continue reading
Hiking is the simple act of walking.
Here are some great, simple beginner hiking tips. These tips will help new hikers be more comfortable and enjoy their outings more. Continue reading