New Ebook Hiking With Kids!

I am happy to announce that as of today my new Ebook Hiking With Kids is now available for purchase at Amazon!  This ebook is perfect for anyone looking to take their kids hiking and want some tips and advice to make it easier and more fun.

Hiking as a family can be an incredibly rewarding and bonding experience.  However, that doesn’t mean that it is always easy.  Similar to anything a family does together, there can be moments that are challenging.  Luckily there are tricks that can help increase the fun times and limit the unpleasantness.  In this Ebook I share the benefits and wisdom that I have learned from my years of hiking before kids and with kids.

Who Is This Ebook Hiking With Kids For?

I wrote this book to help other parents get their kids out hiking with them.  Hiking with my family is one of my joys in life and I want to encourage others to get outside too.

This Ebook is a great resource for novice hikers or those that have hiked before, just not with kids.

This Ebook has tips on hiking with a baby, hiking with a toddler, and hiking with kids, making it perfect for parents with children from newborns through age 12.

 ebook hiking with kidsWhat Is Including In This Ebook Hiking With Kids?

Hiking with kids is an introduction manual to taking kids hiking in the great outdoors.

This book is full of helpful advice for parents divided into three main sections – gear, tips for parents, and tips on hiking in bad weather. There is a broad range of topics from the essential gear to always bring hiking, tips to make hiking fun for kids and tricks to keep kids moving on the trail.

Specific tips and tricks are provided for babies, toddlers, and older children.

Some of the other topics covered include tips on avoiding getting lost, preventing and treating blisters, and how to find kid-friendly trails.