A beautiful Monarch Butterfly is a Rocky Mountain migrator.
Here is a list of 5 Rocky Mountain migrators that leave the Rockies in the fall for somewhere else and return in the spring. Do you know about all of these? Continue reading
A beautiful Monarch Butterfly is a Rocky Mountain migrator.
Here is a list of 5 Rocky Mountain migrators that leave the Rockies in the fall for somewhere else and return in the spring. Do you know about all of these? Continue reading
The white tailed ptarmigan is the only bird that lives in the alpine zone of the Rocky Mountains. Here are 7 things I bet you didn’t know about this bird. Continue reading
Is a deer a vertebrate or invertebrate?
All animals in the world are either vertebrates or invertebrates. Here is an easy explanation of what those terms mean and examples of each kind. Continue reading
What animals live in this amazing world above the trees?
Surprisingly, there are many alpine animals that can be found above the tree line in the Rocky Mountains. Here are some of the main ‘rock stars’. Continue reading
Natural selection is an important theory for anyone that is interested in the natural world. Here is an overview of what it actually is. Continue reading
Bird reproduction is as complicated and as simple as reproduction of many other animals. Ultimately, the male and female come together to make a baby. Continue reading
A dragonfly is the fastest insect.
Spider or insect? Spiders are not insects. They may both be tiny, creepy crawlies, but they are in fact two very different kinds of animals. Continue reading
Poop. Have you ever read the book, Everyone Poops? To sum up the book, all animals eat and all animals poop. We all do it, but some do it more than others. Continue reading
All amphibians, including this tiger salamander, undergo metamorphosis.
Amphibian metamorphosis is something that happens in the life of all amphibians. Do you know what exactly that means and what happens to amphibians? Continue reading
A painted turtle is a reptile and is related to a western rattlesnake.
Reptiles, no matter if they are found in the Rocky Mountains or the Sahara desert, all share certain characteristics. Here are the the 6 things that all reptiles have in common. Continue reading