Animal Tracks in Winter

rabbit tracks winter 2

Rabbit tracks

Sometimes during winter in the Rocky Mountains it feels as if the world is simply asleep while everything is coated in a blanket of white snow.  Many animals, including me, are either not active are are less active.  However, there are still some animals in the Rockies that are active and search for food during winter.

Any time you are out in nature you may not see many animals around, but you know they are out there.  You know this either because you can hear them or because you are able to see evidence of them in the landscape, such as tracks or scat. Continue reading

Do Any Animals Have Babies in Winter?

As we have talked about before all animals main goal is life is to survive, which includes having babies.  This means that animals have their babies at the time of year that gives them the best chance of surviving.

For the majority of animals that means timing it so that they have their babies when the there is the greatest abundance of food resources – meaning the springtime.  When we think of spring time we think of new plants growing and babies – baby birds in nests, baby coyotes and wolves…and baby bears emerging from their dens (?) Continue reading