A moose is one of the common animals of the Rockies.
The common Rocky Mountain animals include bugs, mammals, birds, and more. Here are the common animals you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
A moose is one of the common animals of the Rockies.
The common Rocky Mountain animals include bugs, mammals, birds, and more. Here are the common animals you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
There may be tons of insects in the world, but not all of them are true bugs. Here are 5 common true bugs of the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
You can often find insects in streams, especially under rocks.
Here are 5 tips to help you find insects the next time you go outside. Insects are fascinating creatures that are all around us and easy to find. Continue reading
An Ant is a common insect that can be found throughout the world.
Every insect in the world has 4 common characteristics. These traits are what make an insect an insect and not a spider, mammal, or bird. Continue reading
Do you have any centipedes around your house?
It can be lots of fun to catch bugs with this simple pitfall trap. Observing bugs is fun, will help you learn about their behavior, and will get you more acquainted with the natural world. Continue reading
A caddisfly lifecycle is similar to other aquatic insects lifecycle with both a nymph stage and adult stage with wings. Here is an overview along with a simple diagram of this aquatic bug’s lifecycle. Continue reading
Have you ever seen one of these? Do you know what it is?
A caddisfly is a really neat aquatic insect that is common on rivers and streams throughout the world and Rocky Mountains. Here are 7 caddisfly facts. Continue reading
Is this a dragonfly or damselfly?
Can you tell if if an insect is a dragonfly or damselfly? Here are 4 simple tricks to help you tell apart these two similar looking insects. Continue reading
Have you seen any of these dragonfly nymphs?
Aquatic insects are all of those little bugs that you find in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Here are 6 common aquatic insects that you are likely to see in the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
This water strider spreads out its legs so that it can ‘float’ on the surface of the water.
A water strider is a common aquatic bug of the Rocky Mountains and many parts of the world. These 7 water strider facts will help you understand this tiny animal. Continue reading