Dragonfly Or Damselfly? Tricks To Tell Them Apart

dragonfly or damselfly

Is this a dragonfly or damselfly?

Can you tell if if an insect is a dragonfly or damselfly?  Here are 4 simple tricks to help you tell apart these two similar looking insects.

I have to admit that I often have a hard time knowing if I am looking at a dragonfly or damselfly.  Honestly, up until ten years ago I had never even heard of a damselfly.  These two insects are the only members of one order of animals within the class of insects.  They may look similar, but these tricks will help you know if you are watching a dragonfly or damselfly.

dragonfly or damselflyDragonfly or Damselfly – Look At The Eyes

Both of them have large eyes.  But, a dragonfly has two huge eyes that take up a lot of the space on its head.  They wrap all the way around from one side to the other and even appear to be connected.

dragonfly or damselfly

Look at those eyes on this dragonfly that seem to connect.

A damselfly on the other hand has large eyes, but there is always a space between the two of them.  The eyes also seem to be located more on the side of the head as opposed to the entire front of the head like a dragonfly.

Dragonfly or Damselfly – Look At The Body

dragonfly or damselfly

A damselfly has a long, thin body.

A damselfly has a long, narrow, thin body.

A dragonfly has a thicker, bulkier body.

Dragonfly or Damselfly – Look At The Wings

What Shape Are The Wings?

Both of them have four wings that come off the body, two on each side.  The difference is how the wings are shaped.

dragonfly or damselfly

Loot at the wings of this dragonfly at rest. They are flat and the back wings are larger than the front wings.

A dragonfly’s back wings are bigger than the front wings.  The back wings are thicker at the base where it attaches to the body and then become a bit thinner at their tips.

A damselfly has two sets of wings that are both the same size.  Also, the wings both become narrower as they get close to the body.

How Are The Wings Held When Resting?

The two hold their wings differently when they are resting.

When a dragonfly is sitting and resting it will hold its wing out flat.

dragonfly or damselfly

A damselfly holds its wings up against its body when resting.

In contrast, a damselfly will keep its wings up together when it is resting.