Follow these ultimate hiking safety tips the next time you head out for a walk in the Rockies.
These hiking safety tips include everything to keep you safe on your next adventure in the Rocky Mountains. Read all these must know hiking tips here.
Hiking in the Rocky Mountains or anywhere for that matter can be as easy or hard as you make it. At it’s simplest hiking is simply going for a walk. However, if you go for a walk in the mountains and aren’t properly prepared you could have big problems. These hiking safety tips will help keep beginner and experienced hikers safe when they go walking in the wilderness or their neighborhood trails. You should always be prepared because you never know when an accident may happen.
Notes On The Ultimate Hiking Safety Tips
These tips are listed in no particular order of importance. I have just put them in this order because this is how I thought of them. Thus, I recommend you quickly browse through the list and then go back and read them all in more detail. Some you may already know about, but others may be new for you.
The Ultimate Hiking Safety Tips
Bring The Right Gear
Anytime you go hiking you should always bring along a number of essential items. These base items will keep you ready for whatever may come your way. These essential items include water, food, sun block, hat, whistle, first aid kit, map, raincoat, and warm clothes.
Wear/Bring The Right Clothes
Make sure that you have the right clothes and always bring along a warm jacket and winter hat. Even if you are hiking in the middle of summer a snow storm may blow in at anytime in the mountains. You don’t want to be caught out in a snow storm in your t-shirt and shorts!
Bring A Map And Know How To Read It
A map is crucial. A detailed topographic map is great, but even a basic map with the trails and terrain features is helpful. That map will help you if there are multiple trails or you somehow lose the trail.

A first aid kit should always be with your hiking gear.
Bring Along A First Aid Kit
A good first aid kit is important. As I said before, you never know when something may happen and you want to be prepared. Some of the items in a good first aid kit are bandaids, gauze pads, moleskin, ace bandage, antiseptic spray, eyedrops, pain killers, steroid cream, and scissors.
Don’t Get Lost!
First you should take certain measures to keep you from getting lost, such as looking back behind you and paying attention to your surroundings.
However, you should know what to do if you do get lost (and you will probably get lost sometime if you spend a lot of time in the outdoors). Follow the STOP rule in case you get lost. Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan.
Know Your Limits
Yep, this one sounds simple, but it’s easy to get yourself in trouble. Don’t overestimate your abilities and put yourself at risk because you went too far or tried climbing a rocky cliff and got stuck. Know your limits and while it’s good to push yourself, just don’t push yourself too far.
Check The Weather Forecast
Before you go for a hike take a minute to check the forecast. If bad weather is predicted then maybe you shouldn’t go for a hike and should stay home instead.

Watch those clouds…
Pay Attention to The Weather
Make sure that you are not hiking around in a fog and not paying attention to the weather. Be sure to look up at the sky to see if clouds are coming, which may be bringing rain or lightning. Here are some tips on lightning safety in the mountains.
Be Wildlife Aware
It’s important that you take the time to learn what animals live in the area you are about to go hiking. Then make sure you know how to keep yourself safe in case you encounter one of those animals.
One of the best parts about hiking is seeing wild animals. However, not knowing what to do if you encounter one may lead to big trouble, for both you and the animals. Here are some simple wildlife safety tips.
Take Care Of Your Feet
It’s important when you are hiking that you take care of yourself and your feet. Make sure you treat your feet well because they are the ones that will be taking you far. Here are some tips to prevent blisters or some other tips on what to do in case you get blisters and need to treat them.
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