The 7 Best Tips To Avoid Mosquito Bites When Hiking!

avoid mosquito bites

Look at that blood filled mosquito!

These are the 7 best tips to avoid mosquito bites that will help you enjoy your time in the outdoors more.  These include using repellent, wearing long clothes, and taking vitamin B.

One of the few things that I really don’t love about the mountains are the mosquitoes.  I know that they do serve a role in the environment, but that doesn’t mean I have to like them.  Sometimes of year the mosquitoes are not too bad and other times they can be the stuff of nightmares.  Well, over the years I’ve tried lots of different tricks to avoid mosquito bites.  Here are my top tricks to avoid mosquito bites that I hope will help you too.

avoid mosquito bites
7 Tips To Avoid Mosquito Bites

Take Vitamin B (B Complex)

A study back in the 1960s found that taking Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) may be effective in preventing bites.  I have personally tried this method and have found it helpful.  It’s hard to tell exactly how effective something is though because it’s not like I’m running a scientific experiment.  I’m simply taking a B complex vitamin and then spending time outdoors hiking and camping.  It does seem like when I’ve been taking a B Complex vitamin I don’t get bit as much as when I’m not taking the vitamin.

The recommendation is to take a B Complex vitamin (that contains 100mg of B1) everyday from April to October.  The idea is that it takes a few weeks for it to build up in your system  before it is effective.  This may help prevent bites by causing your body to secrete the excess through your skin, which creates an odor that female mosquitoes do not like (the females are the ones that bite).

Cover Up – Wear Long Sleeves, Pants, Hats, Socks, Gloves, and a Head Net

One way to avoid mosquito bites is to simply not let much of your skin be exposed.   Cover up with long sleeve shirts, pants, socks, and hats.

I know that in the summer it is hot and the idea of wearing long sleeves and pants is not always fun, but you can find a lightweight pair of pants and a loose long sleeve shirt to do the job.  Also, a nice pair of socks will protect your ankles from bites.  If the mosquitoes are really bad you may even try tucking your pants into your socks!

If you happen to be somewhere that has really awful mosquitoes then you should probably get some gloves to cover your hands and even a face net.  Those gloves and head net will make it bearable to cook your food while you are sitting still outside.

Wear light Colors

Mosquitos are attracted to dark colors, such as dark blue, and black.  Try to wear light colors, such as white or beige as much as possible.

Insect repellent – Chemicals

I realize that many people want to avoid chemicals, but one way to avoid mosquito bites is to use repellent that contain chemicals.  DEET is the best.

Different kinds of repellents use different percentages of DEET in their formula – a 20% mix is very good and is supposed to be safe.  A 10% mix is supposed to be safe for children, but that is really a decision that a parent will have to make.

One good idea I just came across is to use higher concentration DEET on your clothing and shoes.  Then use a lower concentration (15% of less) on your skin.

Just to be transparent, many scientific studies have found DEET to have some harmful effects on people.   For more information about this click here.

Insect repellent – Plant Based

There are many good plant based insect repellents that will provide some protection from bites.  If you are out shopping, you can look for a plant based repellent that is made from or includes: citronella, lemon eucalyptus, or vanilla oil.

One suggestion is to wash with citronella soap and then afterwards apply 100% pure citronella oil on your skin.


Yes, garlic may help prevent mosquito bites in addition to keeping away vampires.  Eating lots of garlic or taking a garlic pill can help you smell bad to mosquitoes so they’ll avoid you.

Avoid Mornings And Evenings

If possible, try to avoid spending too much time outdoors in the morning or evening.  Those are two times of days when mosquitoes are the most active.  Unfortunately, those are also two pretty great times to be outside.  I love being outside around sunset.  The colors of the sky are so amazing.  Sometimes you just have to deal with the mosquitoes to enjoy the evening.

Mr. Obvious’s Tip –  Keep Moving

Yeah, this is a pretty obvious tip, but I’ll say it anyway.  Keep moving.  If you sit still and aren’t moving then the mosquitoes will have an easy time finding you.  However, if you keep moving around you won’t attract quite as many.

I remember a backpacking trip in the Uintas of Utah in the spring.  When we were walking it was lovely, but once we got to camp and started setting up the mosquitoes became horrendous.  It was almost impossible to even sit outside of the tent.