Please get unplugged and off your devices the next time you go out in nature! I encourage you to get off your device and connect into the natural world.
Spending time in nature with your children is a great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Take the time to get off your devices and look at the amazing natural world around you. I promise, you will survive if you can not check your email, text messages, phone calls, twitter, or anything else for an hour or a few hours.
Get Outside And Get Unplugged – Get Off Your Device!
People spend time and lots of money going to mindfulness meditation classes. Those classes are all about teaching to focus on the here and now.
That is what you should be doing when you are out in nature – focus on what is around you.
Don’t be looking down at your phone to read the latest texts that came in.
Don’t look at your phone to research something or just to check out one quick thing.
The first step is to get outside. The next step is to turn off that device and connect to the natural world around you. Don’t let yourself get preoccupied with your device and what you can do on it because you will miss something in the real world.
Bring your phone or device with you on your hike (for safety reasons), but put it on airplane mode or turn off the volume. That will keep your device from distracting you from the splendors around you.

Get unplugged so that you can enjoy your time with your kids in nature. They’re so fun to hang out with and they grow up super fast.
Get Unplugged For Your Kids
I’ve said it many times – one of my favorite things to do is spend a day in the mountains with my family. I love hiking with my kids, camping or just having a picnic.
We have a rule that nobody is on devices so that we connect to each other. All of us follow the rule of staying unplugged and off devices.
Keeping off our devices means that we actually pay talk and listen to each other and we have good time together. Our family adventures and time in nature together helps bond us as a family.

It is good for your mental and physical health to take a walk in nature.
It’s Good For Your Health To Get Unplugged And Go For A Walk In Nature
Yes, it’s actually good for your health to take a walk in nature.
Personally, as a nature addict, I find that taking a walk in nature helps restore my mental health. I feel that I am able to recenter myself and let the everyday stresses ease away.
Even if you’r not a nature addict, a walk in the woods or mountains will help you feel better. That only truly works though if you disconnect from your devices and immerse yourself in your surroundings.
Listen to the sounds around you – the wind blowing through the trees, the waves breaking on the beach, or the birds calling.
Our evnironment is very important, we must treat it with great care !
I recently found out about a new project called “Natures” on planting Paulownia trees.
Check them out:
#Standforgreen !