Getting outside in the snow with your kids is fun!
Get Outside everyday is a seemingly simple concept that can be hard to do. However, getting your kids and yourself outside everyday has great benefits for your overall quality of life and is absolutely worth it!
Some days when it is sunny outside and not too hot I have no problem getting myself and the kids outside. But, it can be so hard on those days when the weather is not right. Maybe it is raining or snowing and that just isn’t always super appealing to go outside. Those are the days that you have to remember your goal and force yourself out of the house. Today I just want to write a short post about my new motto to Get Outside Today.

My Goal – I Will Get Outside Today and Everyday
As Yoda says, there is no try. There is either do or do not.
The important thing about setting goals is that you don’t set a goal that you are going to try to achieve. You either set the goal and work to make it happen or you don’t. If you say that you will try to do something you are already giving yourself an out to not do it. That is a bad way to go about achieving a goal.

It is fun to get outside on a sunny, summer day. Funny, I was looking for a photo of us outside on a rainy day, but couldn’t find one. Those are the days we hide the camera so it won’t get wet and destroyed. Sorry:)
Get Outside Regardless Of The Weather
I recently read an inspirational book that talks all about getting your kids outside to play in all kinds of weather. Written by a Swedish woman, There Is No Such Thing As Bad Weather, it gives loads of evidence about the benefits of getting kids outside everyday.
If it is raining, windy, or snowing you can still get outside. You will have to spend a little bit more time beforehand preparing and getting the right kinds of clothes on, but you can do it.
Honestly though, your kids just want to go and play outside. They will probably get dirty, wet, and maybe cold. You should consider mission accomplished if they get dirty. That means they were playing hard and having fun. Then if you or the kids get too cold or wet you can just return inside to your house, change your clothes, and warm up.

Playing outside in winter is fun.
Benefits of Getting Outside Everyday – Even In Winter
Getting outside every day is good for your body and mind. As I raise my kids I stress the importance of making sure that we have strong minds and bodies. That means using our brains and also our bodies.
There are three main benefits to getting kids outside in nature – good for our health, good for our minds, and it is also great family bonding time.
Here are some tips on getting outside in the snow with kids.
That is it today. Stop reading and Get Outside!