7 Tips On Making and Keeping New Years Resolutions

new years resolutions, ants

Are you ready to make your big resolutions for next year like these ants that can roll a giant stone uphill?

2016 is coming to an end, which means it is time to make resolutions for 2017.  Do you have yours already or are you still thinking about what to do?

I always have a hard time coming up with good new years resolutions.  Oftentimes I end up with the same ones as the previous year.  That is not good because that means I didn’t keep it last year, so why would I keep it this year?  Here are 7 tips to help you come up with good resolutions that you can stick to and keep.

Think of Your New Year Resolutions As Your Goals To Achieve For 2017

The resolutions that you are setting are nothing more than giving yourself some goals for the year.  These goals or resolutions could be anything.  For example you could make a resolution to run a marathon, eat healthier, lose 100 pounds, or to spend more time in nature with your family.

These resolutions are a great opportunity for you to step back from your daily routine and assess how your life is going.  It is an opportunity for you to focus and change specific aspects of your life that you are not happy with.  I encourage you to take advantage of it and come up with at least 3 resolutions.

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Get ready and be specific!

Be Specific

This is crucial to make a resolution something that you can stick to.  Be as specific as possible.  For example, don’t just say, ‘I will lose weight this year.’  A better, more specific resolution would be, ‘I will lose 50 pounds this year.’

Being specific gives you something to focus on to know if you are successful or not.

Make It Measurable

This goes along with being specific.  You need to make sure your resolution is something that you can measure.  Being measurable allows you to tell if you have achieved your resolution or not.

For example, don’t say, ‘I will exercise more.’  Instead, try, ‘I will exercise three times a week in 2017.’ You can keep track of your exercise schedule with a simple exercise journal to see if you kept your resolution or not.

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Make sure that you can actually achieve your goals.

Make Sure They Are Attainable

It is good to have big dreams, goals, and resolutions.  But, if you make a resolution that is too far out there you will never achieve it.  You need to make your resolutions things that you can actually achieve.

If you set your goal too high you are only setting yourself up for failure.  That will do nothing good for you.

Make Resolutions Realistic

This is similar to attainable in that you want to make sure that whatever your choose is real.  Make sure that you actually have a real way to achieve or meet your goal/resolution.  This may mean that you have to make many smaller steps happen in order to meet the big goal, but that is OK.


Give yourself a deadline to meet. For example, “I’ll get covered in mud in the next two minutes!”

Resolutions Should Be Timely

Give yourself a deadline.  Luckily with most resolutions the deadline is simply the end of the year.  If however, you want to run a marathon then you may have a shorter or earlier deadline.

Setting a deadline or making your resolution timely will serve as a reminder that you have to start working in order to meet that deadline.  If there is no deadline then it becomes too easy to simply put it off and think, I’ll get started on that next week.