What Is Your Wildlife Safety IQ?
What Shoud You Do If You See A Rattlesnake?
Remain calm and slowly walk away from
it. Luckily, the western rattlesnake
(the one commonly found in the Rockies)
is not aggressive.
What Should You Do If You See A Mountain Lion?
You should make yourself appear large and
look it directly in the eye. You don't want it to think your afraid and are prey.
What Should You Do If You See A Grizzly Bear?
You should hold still. Do not look it in the eye. You don't want it to perceive you as a threat.
Remain calm and wait for it to leave.
Jake's Nature Guide: Rocky Mountains is jam packed with information to keep you safe around wildlife and much more!
Do You Know What To Do If You Are Actually ATTACKED By A Grizzly Bear? Black Bear? Mountain Lion?
If you get attacked by one of these animals you won't have time to think about it. You
need to be prepared and know ahead of time. Your response may save your life.
Jake's Nature Guide: Rocky Mountains has the answers.
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