Where are the ladybugs during winter?
Do you know where are the ladybugs during winter in the Rocky Mountains? Read on to learn how ladybugs survive a cold, snowy winter. Continue reading
Where are the ladybugs during winter?
Do you know where are the ladybugs during winter in the Rocky Mountains? Read on to learn how ladybugs survive a cold, snowy winter. Continue reading
Insects winter survival strategies include a range of choices from resting to migrating. Here are the main strategies that insects choose to survive the cold Rocky Mountain winters. Continue reading
Porcupines are neat animals.
Porcupines are one of the many animals that live in the Rockies that are not commonly seen. Here are 8 porcupine facts to help you learn more about them. Continue reading
In the Rocky Mountains, animals survive winter by choosing one of three main strategies. Most animals will choose to either migrate, hibernate, or adapt. Continue reading
How do insects survive winter in these cold places?
Just like other animals, insects survive winter in the Rocky Mountains by choosing one of several strategies. Here are 7 things insects do to survive the cold winter months. Continue reading
Many forms of life go into a state of dormancy to survive the cold, snowy winters of the Rocky Mountains. Do you know what these different types of dormancy are for different animals, such as torpor, hibernation, and diapause? Continue reading
Next time you go for a walk in winter you can be a detective.
After a freshly fallen snow is a great time to go and find some animal tracks in winter. Here are some simple tips to help you figure out what kind of animal may have left those tracks. Continue reading
A black capped chickadee is active during winter.
Black Capped Chickadees may be small, but they are incredibly tough and can withstand the harsh winters of the Rockies. Here is how these little birds are able to stay warm enough at night during winter. Continue reading
Have you seen a mountain lion during winter? Summer?
Mountain lions in winter are very active as they walk around and hunt prey. Here are 3 cool facts about these mountain lions during the winter, including their winter survival strategy. Continue reading
There are many different kinds of animals active during winter in the Rocky Mountains. I wonder how many of them you can guess? Continue reading