Spores are important for the reproduction of many plants and fungi throughout the world. Here are some neat facts about them that you may not know. Continue reading
5 Bird Courtship Behaviors – Birds Can Be Charming

Ladies…look at these beautiful feathers!
Bird courtship is an incredibly important part of a bird’s life. Do you know what crazy kinds of things birds will do when they are looking for a mate? Continue reading
Bird Reproduction – The Birds And The…Birds
Bird reproduction is as complicated and as simple as reproduction of many other animals. Ultimately, the male and female come together to make a baby. Continue reading
Precocial Birds or Altricial Birds? What’s the Difference?

Is a raven born precocial or altricial?
Precocial birds are born very different than altricial birds. Do you have any idea what those fancy terms mean in terms of newborn birds? Continue reading
Ballooning Spiders – Some Sure Love To Do It!
Ballooning spiders seems like some new adventure sport, but it is just life. Many spiders balloon or fly in order to travel through the air. Continue reading
Seed Dispersal – How Do Plants Spread Their Seeds?
Do you know how many different types of seed dispersal there are? Plants have a variety of strategies to achieve their goal of spreading their seeds. Continue reading
Catkin – Have You Seen One In Rocky Mountains?
Have you ever come across a catkin while exploring the Rocky Mountains? I bet you have, but you didn’t know what it was. Continue reading
Breeding Plumage – Which Birds Molt in Spring?
Some Rocky Mountain birds molt in the spring, which means getting new colorful breeding plumage. Here are some of the common birds that do and don’t do it. Continue reading
Delayed Implantation – I Bet You Don’t Know What It Is
Delayed implantation is a term that I had never heard until recently. It is something that has to do with reproduction for mammals. Continue reading
Black Bear Cubs Are Born In Winter To Emerge In Spring
Black bear cubs emerge from their winter dens in the spring in the Rocky Mountains. Have you ever seen this special event happen? Continue reading