In the Rocky Mountains, animals survive winter by choosing one of three main strategies. Most animals will choose to either migrate, hibernate, or adapt. Continue reading
When Do Birds Migrate North For Their Summer Range?

Migrating birds – Canada Geese in their typical v-formation.
Spring is getting closer, which means that soon it will be time that birds migrate north to the Rocky Mountains. Do you know when those birds start their long or short journeys back to their summer range? Continue reading
5 Rocky Mountain Migrators – Animals That Leave During Winter

A beautiful Monarch Butterfly is a Rocky Mountain migrator.
Here is a list of 5 Rocky Mountain migrators that leave the Rockies in the fall for somewhere else and return in the spring. Do you know about all of these? Continue reading
Birds Migrating North In Spring – Examples in Rockies

Migrating birds – Canada Geese in their typical v-formation.
Birds migrating north, snow melting, and trees budding are all signs of spring in the Rocky Mountains. Some birds migrate long distances, but others only go short distances. Continue reading
Which Rocky Mountain Animal Has The Longest Migration?
Many animals have a very long migration. But, do you know which animal travels or migrates the farthest during its life – a Salmon, Monarch Butterfly, or Swainsons Hawk? Continue reading
7 Facts About Hummingbirds! Number 6 May Surprise You!
Hummingbirds are one of the more amazing and special animals of the Rocky Mountains. Here are seven cool facts about these speedy flyers that I bet you didn’t know. Continue reading
Do You Know This Long Distance Migrator?
In the fall you can see many short and long distance migrating birds. Some simply move to lower elevations, but some such as the Swainson’s Hawk truly travel long distances. Continue reading
Bird Migration – Where Do The Birds Go?

Migrating birds.
The main thing I remember hearing about bird migration is that birds go south in winter and north in summer. Is that true? Actually, not all birds migrate like that. Continue reading