A recent poll of Americans found that most people use artificial christmas trees this holiday season. Here are 4 facts about these artificial trees that are becoming more common. Continue reading
fun facts
Happy Winter Solstice! The Shortest Day Of Year

The shortest day of the year.
Winter solstice happens on December 21st throughout the northern hemisphere. This shortest day of the year is celebrated throughout the world. Continue reading
Cairns – What Are Those Piles Of Rocks?

A cairn by a nice lake.
Cairns are the official name for those cool piles of balanced rocks. Do you know why there are cairns along trails in the Rocky Mountains? Continue reading
10 Moose Facts That Will Impress You
Moose are big, neat animals that live in the Rocky Mountains and many other areas of the United States and Canada. Read these 10 cool moose facts that are sure to amaze and impress you. Continue reading
Birds’ Feathers Are Like Velcro & Other Fun Facts
Feathers are one of the characteristics that all birds have in common. How much do you really know about feathers? What kinds are there? How are they like velcro? Continue reading
7 Facts About Hummingbirds! Number 6 May Surprise You!
Hummingbirds are one of the more amazing and special animals of the Rocky Mountains. Here are seven cool facts about these speedy flyers that I bet you didn’t know. Continue reading