Spring wildflowers are always a welcome sight in the Rocky Mountains. These early blooming flowers bring color and life back to the mountains after a long winter. Continue reading
Why do Plants Have Flowers? More Than Just A Good Show
Plants have flowers for the simple and straightforward goal of helping them reproduce and thereby survive. Here is a short explanation of why some (not all) plants have flowers. Continue reading
7 Arrowleaf Balsamroot Facts – A Vibrant Spring Flower
Arrowleaf balsamroot is one of the flowers I love to see in the springtime. Here are 7 facts about this spring bloomer in the Rocky Mountains that you may not know. Continue reading
Seeds and Spores – What Are The Differences?
Seeds and spores are both used to help plants or fungus reproduce and make new life. But, do you really know how they are different? Continue reading
Seed Dispersal – How Do Plants Spread Their Seeds?
Do you know how many different types of seed dispersal there are? Plants have a variety of strategies to achieve their goal of spreading their seeds. Continue reading
Parts of a Flower
The basic parts of a flower include the petals, sepals, stamen, and pistil. Here is a simple diagram showing those main parts of a flower along with a short description of the function of each.
7 Tips to Identify Wildflowers
These 7 tips to identify wildflowers will help everyone the next time they are out in the Rocky Mountains be able to identify wildflowers easier, including the most common wildflowers. Continue reading
Pressing Flowers – Kid Fun with Flowers
Flowers are so beautiful, but they do not last very long. One fun way to solve that problem is by pressing flowers. Pressing flowers will allow you and your kids to enjoy them, study them or make fun art projects with them. Continue reading
Plant Food – Photosynthesis
Like all living things plants need food in order to survive. But, unlike most, plants can make their own food. Plants use sunlight to create their own food through a process called photosynthesis, which means building with light. Photosynthesis = building with light Continue reading
Why do flowers bloom at different times of the year?
The Rocky Mountains are home to more than 3,000 different kinds of wildflowers. Flowers bloom at different times throughout the year, some of which begin blooming in the early spring as the snow melts and others wait till later in the year. Why do they do that? Why don’t they all just bloom at the same time? Continue reading