Do you recognize this butterfly?
Chances are you have seen a cabbage white butterfly flying around somewhere. Here are some interesting facts about this common butterfly. Continue reading
Do you recognize this butterfly?
Chances are you have seen a cabbage white butterfly flying around somewhere. Here are some interesting facts about this common butterfly. Continue reading
Look at proboscis and those wings.
Here are 6 butterfly facts that I hope will teach you something new about these winged beauties. Butterflies are such neat animals that can be found throughout the world. Continue reading
Do you know what this common Rocky Mountain butterfly is?
These common Rocky Mountain butterflies can be seen fluttering around meadows and forests. Here are 6 common butterflies you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
Look at this beautiful adult Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
A butterfly lifecycle and moth lifecycle are mostly the same, but there are a few key differences. Here is an overview of both lifecycles, including a nice diagram, and the main similarities and differences. Continue reading
A Painted Lady Butterfly is a common insects of the Rocky Mountains.
The Painted Lady Butterfly is one of the most common butterflies of the Rocky Mountains that you are likely to see. Here are 8 fun nature facts about this beautiful winged insect or butterfly. Continue reading
Look at this beautiful Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
The Western Tiger Swallowtail is a common butterfly of the Rocky Mountains that you have likely seen at some point. Here are 5 fun Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly facts that you are sure to enjoy and, hopefully, learn something new. Continue reading
This is a beautiful butterfly…or is it?
If you see a tiny winged insect do you know if it’s a butterfly or moth? Butterflies and moths have a number of similarities and differences. Here are a five simple ways that you can tell a butterfly or moth apart. Continue reading
Monarch Butterflies are a well known butterfly due to their amazing migration. Here are some more facts about these cool Rocky Mountain animals. Continue reading
Having a little snack from this flower.
A butterfly proboscis is a special, long tube that butterflies use to drink nectar from flowers. Here is a quick run down on what a proboscis is. Continue reading
During spring in the Rocky Mountains it is common to see a Mourning Cloak butterfly. These butterflies in the spring appear to be ragged and tattered. Continue reading