This bird may look like it’s playing in the dirt, but it’s actually keeping its feathers clean.
A bird dust bath is also called dusting. Birds do this as a way to take care of their feathers, keeping them clean and well maintained. Continue reading
This bird may look like it’s playing in the dirt, but it’s actually keeping its feathers clean.
A bird dust bath is also called dusting. Birds do this as a way to take care of their feathers, keeping them clean and well maintained. Continue reading
Do you have any idea what type of bird this is?
Knowing the main types of birds will help you identify and understand birds easier. Here are the main categories or types of birds that can be found throughout the world. Continue reading
The American Dipper is the only aquatic songbird in the world! Here are 7 facts about this amazing and unique bird of the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
The turkey vulture has a distinctive two toned wing when flying.
The Turkey Vulture is a common bird in the Rocky Mountains. These 8 facts will help you get to know these birds better, including why their head is bald.
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The majestic bald eagle.
The Bald Eagle is the National Bird of the United States of America. Here are 8 facts about this iconic bird that has been a symbol of the USA for over 200 years. Continue reading
Where do you think this Clark’s Nutcracker stays at night? A bird roost or bird nest?
A bird roost and a bird nest are very different. Birds stay at both at night, but for very different reasons. Here is a quick explanation of what a bird roost is and how it differs from a bird nest. Continue reading
Migrating birds – Canada Geese in their typical v-formation.
Spring is getting closer, which means that soon it will be time that birds migrate north to the Rocky Mountains. Do you know when those birds start their long or short journeys back to their summer range? Continue reading
I used to think that only male birds sing in order to claim their territory or to attract a mate. New research into bird communication, at least new to me, has revealed that is not true. Continue reading
A black capped chickadee is active during winter.
Black Capped Chickadees may be small, but they are incredibly tough and can withstand the harsh winters of the Rockies. Here is how these little birds are able to stay warm enough at night during winter. Continue reading
It is almost Thanksgiving or turkey day as I like to think of it. Here are some fun facts about wild turkeys. Continue reading