Beautiful wildflowers in Utah.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy. Here is a simple diagram of photosynthesis, and some useful information about it. Continue reading
Beautiful wildflowers in Utah.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy. Here is a simple diagram of photosynthesis, and some useful information about it. Continue reading
A mountain goat is an iconic animal of the Rockies.
Rocky mountain ungulates are all over the place in the wild, on farms, and even in towns. Here is a definition of ungulate along with many common Rocky Mountain animals that are ungulates. Continue reading
Watch for the spring courtship display of the Red Tailed Hawks.
Signs of spring in the Rocky Mountains range from flowers to animals. Here are some of the common animals to look for in the spring. Continue reading
In the Rocky Mountains, animals survive winter by choosing one of three main strategies. Most animals will choose to either migrate, hibernate, or adapt. Continue reading
Do you know what makes a bird different than a mammal?
Different animals have certain characteristics that scientists use to classify them. In other words all mammals share certain characteristics that make them different than birds or reptiles. Continue reading
Look at the shape of that bill.
A bird’s bill will tell you a lot about the particular bird, giving you some important clues about the bird. The shape and size of a bird’s bill will help you know what types of food that bird eats and where it likely lives. Continue reading
Do you know how to identify animal scat? Here are 3 tips to help you figure out what kind of animal that scat you found while hiking may have come from. Continue reading
Humans can live in areas that get cold because we are warm-blooded. We can keep our body temperature about 98.6 degrees F all of the time.
All animals are either cold blooded or warm blooded. The difference between whether an animal is cold or warm blooded comes down to whether or not that animal can control its internal body temperature by itself. Continue reading
Human parents spend a lot of time raising their children.
Animal parenting strategies depend on many different factors, such as lifespan and predation risks. All animals make different choices with the ultimate goal being reproductive success. Continue reading
There are many different kinds of animals active during winter in the Rocky Mountains. I wonder how many of them you can guess? Continue reading