A molting mountain goat is shedding its thick winter coat.
Molting is simply the process of animals replacing their hair or feathers with new ones. Here is an overview of which animals molt, when, and why they do it. Continue reading
A molting mountain goat is shedding its thick winter coat.
Molting is simply the process of animals replacing their hair or feathers with new ones. Here is an overview of which animals molt, when, and why they do it. Continue reading
Spring is a good time to be extra aware of western rattlesnakes.
Do you know how to be safe around western rattlesnakes? Here are 5 important tips to keep in mind when you are out exploring the Rockies, especially in likely rattlesnake habitat. Continue reading
A sagebrush lizard is a common sight in the Rocky Mountains.
The Sagebrush Lizard is one the few reptiles that lives in the Rocky Mountains. Here are 6 facts about this reptile that frequently does push ups. Continue reading
Do you know what makes a bird different than a mammal?
Different animals have certain characteristics that scientists use to classify them. In other words all mammals share certain characteristics that make them different than birds or reptiles. Continue reading
Have you ever seen a horny toad or short-horned lizard?
The Short-Horned Lizard is one of the more captivating reptiles of the Rocky Mountains. Here are 6 facts about these small, hard to see animals. Continue reading
The Western Rattlesnake is the only venomous snake in the Rocky Mountains. There are many other snakes that live in the area, but this is the most dangerous. Continue reading
A gopher snake is one of the common rocky mountain reptiles.
The common rocky mountain reptiles include snakes, lizards, and turtles. Here are some of the common reptiles you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
A moose is one of the common animals of the Rockies.
The common Rocky Mountain animals include bugs, mammals, birds, and more. Here are the common animals you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
Many forms of life go into a state of dormancy to survive the cold, snowy winters of the Rocky Mountains. Do you know what these different types of dormancy are for different animals, such as torpor, hibernation, and diapause? Continue reading
Human parents spend a lot of time raising their children.
Animal parenting strategies depend on many different factors, such as lifespan and predation risks. All animals make different choices with the ultimate goal being reproductive success. Continue reading