Look at those nice antlers.
Moose, Elk, and deer shed antlers before winter comes every single year. Yes, every winter they get rid of those antlers and then regrow them again in the spring. Continue reading
Look at those nice antlers.
Moose, Elk, and deer shed antlers before winter comes every single year. Yes, every winter they get rid of those antlers and then regrow them again in the spring. Continue reading
Ruminant is a term that describes many animals, both wild and domestic. Here is what that means and which Rocky Mountain animals are ruminants. Continue reading
Many mammals mate in the fall, including elk.
Many mammals mate in the fall, including deer, elk, and mountain goats. Here are 5 mammals that mate at this time of year in the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
A moose is one of the common animals of the Rockies.
The common Rocky Mountain animals include bugs, mammals, birds, and more. Here are the common animals you are likely to see in the Rockies. Continue reading
Have you heard a male elk bugling in the fall during the elk rut?
The elk rut is a time of year when hikers need to be careful around elk. The elk rut, or breeding season, takes place in the fall in the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
Have you ever seen a muskrat?
Muskrats are one of the less glamorous, common mammals of the Rocky Mountains. Here are 8 muskrat facts to teach you more about these marvelous animals. Continue reading
I hope that these 7 vole facts will teach you something new about these little mammals. Honestly though, do you even know what this common mammal found throughout the Rocky Mountains and world is?
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Do you know how to identify animal scat? Here are 3 tips to help you figure out what kind of animal that scat you found while hiking may have come from. Continue reading
Look at those front claws that are great for digging.
These mole facts are sure to teach you a few things about moles that you didn’t know. Here are 8 fun facts about these small, burrowing mammals that live throughout the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
Is this a mole or a vole?
Do you know the difference between a mole or vole? Both of these small animals live underground and look similar, but they are quite different. Continue reading