Fun Hikes with Kids in Salt Lake City

slcSalt Lake City is a big city with the best, yes I said best, access to the Rocky Mountains of any of the major cities in the Western United States.  As such there are a lot of fun hikes with kids around Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake is surrounded by mountains – the Wasatch Front is to the east, the Oquirrhs to the west, and to the north and south are small ridges that come down from the main part of the Wasatch.  All of these mountains have trails that are fun to explore.  Some of them are along creeks and others head to a lake.

Here are some of my favorite hikes to go on with the kids Continue reading

Get Your Kids Outside!

This blog of mine is all about helping children and parents have fun in the Rocky Mountains.  I have been explaining all kinds of interesting things about the natural world in the Rocky Mountains because I think it is important for people and especially children to have a better appreciation and wonder of the world around them.

Remember though that all this information you can read about should not serve as a replacement for actually spending time outdoors.  Parents can read or talk to your children about mammals, about the difference between a bird nest and bird roost, or common fish of the Rockies.  But, nothing, yes absolutely nothing, can replace spending time outdoors exploring with your child. Continue reading

Fun Hikes With Kids In Utah

Hiking with kids is a day playing in the Rocky Mountains with your family.

There is nothing I enjoy quite as much as spending a day with my family out for a walk in the mountains.  Exploring the mountains with your family is an adventure.  You never know what you are going to come across on the trail – maybe you will see a big mammal grazing in a meadow or come across some really strange looking bug.

These hikes are some of my favorites in Utah.  They are between 2 and 6 miles long, making them a bit hard for very small kids, but not too long for most five and six year olds.   Continue reading

Hiking With Kids – Have Fun and Smell the Flowers

DSC_1223I love hiking, especially in the Rocky Mountains.  Prior to my owners having kids and being parents I loved to spend the day wandering in the mountains, pushing my body to its limit to see how far I could go and what I could see.  A ten-mile round trip hike was a nice way to spend the day.

As I have learned, hiking with kids is not the same as hiking with just adults.  With adults, a hike tends to be focused on getting to a distant goal, such as a mountain peak or lake.  In contrast, with kids it is all about the journey and not the destination.

Change Your Mindset – Go Slow and Enjoy the Journey Continue reading