Do you know how to safely hold a fish that you just caught so that you don’t accidentally kill it? If you are new to fishing or even an old pro, read this for how you should safely hold the fish. Continue reading
fun stuff
7 Safe Fish Handling Tips
Do you know how to follow safe fish handling techniques when you go fishing with your kids in the Rocky Mountains? Here are a few simple tips to follow to make sure the fish stay alive if you practice catch and release. Continue reading
Cut, Poke, and Prod – Dissect a Bug
A great, free learning activity for kids is to dissect a dead bug that you find around the house. By, dissecting a bug you can learn about the complexity of life as you learn how it’s body is made and works. Continue reading
Any Questions About the Rocky Mountains?
I have now been writing this blog for the past year and am wondering if anyone has any questions for me. I would love to hear if you have any questions about this blog or the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
Take Your Kids Fishing – Tips to Make it Easier
Please do yourself a favor and take your kids fishing! I know it can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it and you will be glad you did. Here are some tips to make it easier. Continue reading
Nature notebook for kids
A nature notebooks or field book is a great and fun way to help kids learn about the natural world and have fun while they are at it.
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Wildflower Activities for Kids
It is the end of June, which means we are approaching the best time of year for wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains. Here are some fun wildflower activities for kids. Continue reading
Pressing Flowers – Kid Fun with Flowers
Flowers are so beautiful, but they do not last very long. One fun way to solve that problem is by pressing flowers. Pressing flowers will allow you and your kids to enjoy them, study them or make fun art projects with them. Continue reading
Kids Can Become a Junior Ranger!
A fun thing for kids to do when exploring the Rocky Mountains is to become a Junior Ranger at one of the National Parks in the area. Continue reading
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
Here are some free coloring pages that you can print. These are free printable coloring pages! Jake has explored the Rocky Mountains a lot, now this is your chance to color in some different landscapes in the Rocky Mountains with Jake! Continue reading