A Magpie is a type of songbird.
Songbirds are one of the most common types of birds in the world. Here is a short definition of what they are and some common ones. Continue reading
A Magpie is a type of songbird.
Songbirds are one of the most common types of birds in the world. Here is a short definition of what they are and some common ones. Continue reading
A common loon is an example of a bird that swims underwater.
A number of birds swim underwater in rivers, streams, oceans, or lakes. Here are 5 bizarre birds that seems to think they’re part fish. Continue reading
The American Dipper is the only aquatic songbird in the world! Here are 7 facts about this amazing and unique bird of the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading
The turkey vulture has a distinctive two toned wing when flying.
The Turkey Vulture is a common bird in the Rocky Mountains. These 8 facts will help you get to know these birds better, including why their head is bald.
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Can you identify this Rocky Mountain bird?
Plant and animal identification is the first and most important step in getting to know your community. Being able to put a name to something will help make a place feel like home. Continue reading
This swan has her hands full with all of those babies.
Bird parents have many different strategies to raising their young. Here are the main strategies that bird parents choose to raise their young, from monogamy to polygyny and polyandry. Continue reading
This swallow nest is full of hungry baby birds!
Bird nests come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Here are the four main types of nests that the majority of birds make when having babies. Continue reading
The majestic bald eagle.
The Bald Eagle is the National Bird of the United States of America. Here are 8 facts about this iconic bird that has been a symbol of the USA for over 200 years. Continue reading
Look at the shape of that bill.
A bird’s bill will tell you a lot about the particular bird, giving you some important clues about the bird. The shape and size of a bird’s bill will help you know what types of food that bird eats and where it likely lives. Continue reading
Where do you think this Clark’s Nutcracker stays at night? A bird roost or bird nest?
A bird roost and a bird nest are very different. Birds stay at both at night, but for very different reasons. Here is a quick explanation of what a bird roost is and how it differs from a bird nest. Continue reading