Do you know how to figure out how far away lightning is from you? This is both fun to know and important to make sure you are safe in a storm. Continue reading
Author: Mark Danenhauer
Why Were Trout Introduced to the Rocky Mountains?
Did you know that many of the trout that we find in the clear streams and lakes of the Rocky Mountains are not from the area? Many of the trout that we find now were originally brought from elsewhere, but why? Continue reading
Take Your Kids Fishing – Tips to Make it Easier
Please do yourself a favor and take your kids fishing! I know it can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it and you will be glad you did. Here are some tips to make it easier. Continue reading
What is Echolocation and How Does it Work?
Echolocation is a special skill, almost like a super power, that certain animals have to help them find objects or food in the dark or at long distances. Do you know what animals use it or how it works?
One Tip to Identify Birds Easier for Kids
Knowing the main kinds of birds will help beginners and kids get better at identifying birds. Continue reading
Humans Closest Relatives Are Chimpanzees!
What does someone mean when they say that humans closest relatives are Chimpanzees? I don’t remember ever jumping in a car and driving a few hours to visit a bunch of chimpanzees for Thanksgiving. Continue reading
Let Kids Get Dirty!
As parents, we need to let our kids get dirty sometimes. Exploration and play are important for children and really all people. As kids are exploring they need to know that it is OK if they get dirty. In fact, kids should be encouraged by their parents to get dirty sometimes. Continue reading
Bird Diagram – Birding for Beginners
Here is a simple bird diagram that shows the main parts of a bird. This will help beginners, including parents and kids, learn the different parts of a bird. This knowledge will help with describing and identifying different birds. Continue reading
What is Pollination
Pollination is the act of pollen being moved from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the same species. That is the simple explanation of it, but I will go into a bit more detail below. Continue reading
Parts of a Flower
The basic parts of a flower include the petals, sepals, stamen, and pistil. Here is a simple diagram showing those main parts of a flower along with a short description of the function of each.