Beautiful wildflowers in Utah.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy. Here is a simple diagram of photosynthesis, and some useful information about it.
All forms of life need energy in order to survive. Animals get their energy either by eating plants (herbivores) or other animals (carnivores), or a bit of each (omnivores). That includes us, humans, that get our energy from the plants and animals we eat. The amazing, crazy thing is that all life is possible because of the simple fact that plants are able to create their own energy, by photosynthesis!
What Is Photosynthesis?
It is the name of the process by which plants create their own food or energy. The word itself actually means building with light.
Like all living things plants need food in order to survive. But, unlike most, plants can make their own food. Plants create their own food through a chemical process whereby they combine sunlight with carbon dioxide. A byproduct of the process is that plant’s release oxygen, which is also vital for animals to survive.
Diagram Of Photosynthesis
This is a very simplified diagram that is really just designed to give you a rough understanding of how it works. The key facts to remember from this is that plants absorb sunlight in the chlorophyl in their leaves. The chlorophyl contains a green pigment, which is what gives the leaves their green color. That is why when plants stop producing chlorophyl in the fall the leaves change colors.
The plants convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugar (energy for life) and release oxygen into the air.

Image modified from Ecological pyramid by CK-12 Foundation, CC BY-NC 3.0
Plants Are The Foundation Of The Web Of Life
As I’ve already touched on above here, plants are the foundation of all life. All living things need energy in order to survive and most can only get that by consuming something else. Plants are able to convert the sunlight into energy, which is then eaten by other animals and moves on up the food chain.

Conifer trees needles are still slowly conducting photosynthesis during winter.
Some Plants Conduct Photosynthesis All Year & Others Part Of The Year
All plants, including trees, shrubs, vines, wildflowers, and epiphytes conduct photosynthesis. However, not all of them have their little energy factories on all year long. Many plants are only green and creating their energy part of the year.
Trees that keep their green leaves all year long (thereby conducting photosynthesis all year long) are called evergreens. Some evergreens have broadleaves and live in warm climates all year long, but others in cold climates are conifers. Conifers ‘leaves’ are actually needles.
In contrast, many trees in cold climates have chosen a strategy to simply lose their leaves during the winter and go into a state of dormancy. It’s as if they’ve chosen to rest all winter and then come spring they grow new leaves and turn on their energy factories again.
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