Don’t be a foolish hiker! Make smart choices.
Please don’t be a foolish hiker and do something that puts you or others at risk. Here are 8 tips that everyone should follow to enjoy their hike and be safe.
In hiking adventures I’ve come across all kinds of people. Some people seemed to be ill prepared for the weather or kept going farther when they clearly should’ve stopped. Well, those choices they make as foolish hikers puts not only them at risk, but also others. These kinds of hikers not only do unsafe things, but they also do irresponsible things that damage the very area they come to see. Here are my tips that I hope you’ll keep in mind the next time you go hiking so that you aren’t a foolish hiker!
8 Tips To Avoid Being A Foolish Hiker
Respect Others
When you are out hiking you need to respect other people that you come across. We all go for walks in the natural world for different reasons, such as to find solitude, see beautiful places, or to soak up some natural wonders.
It’s important that you don’t walk along a trail and do something that impacts on others experience. For example, don’t walk along playing loud music! If you must have music, then at least use headphones. This is just one of the aspects of good trail etiquette.
Don’t Damage The Natural Environment
Duh! Don’t go visit an amazing part of the natural world and then damage it. For example, don’t go to a area with tons of rock sculptures and then physically push them over (like was done in Goblin Valley in Utah).
Leave No Trace
When you go hiking or visit the natural world it’s important that you leave an area as it once when you arrived. This is the all important leave no trace motto.
This one is pretty straightforward and easy to comprehend. You need to carry or bring everything out that you carried or brought in with you. Don’t leave behind any trash, granola bar wrappers, or orange peels. Only a foolish hiker would leave trash behind.
You Don’t Have To Leave Your Mark
This goes along with the whole leave no trace ethic. But, for some reason there are foolish hikers out there who feel the need to leave their mark. They feel that they need to carve their name into a sandstone cliff, or even to paint a picture onto a boulder. That’s crazy! It may look cool on Instagram or what not, but you just ruined a precious piece of the natural world for your 5 minutes of fame.

A big, towering cumulonimbus cloud often brings thunderstorms.
Check The Weather
Anytime that you are going for a hike or walk in the mountains, forest, or desert you need to check the weather. A quick check of the weather will let you know if there is a chance thunder storms are expected later in the day. That knowledge will help you make wise choices and not be a foolish hiker who decides to keep going and could get seriously hurt.
If it’s going to rain you can still go for a hike, but you need to bring the right gear. Here is the ultimate guide to hiking in the rain.
Bring The Proper Gear
It’s important to bring along essential hiking gear anytime that you go for a hike. This gear will make sure that you are safe, dry, and help you enjoy your hike. Additionally, a quick weather check will let you know how much warm or wet weather gear you should bring along. The right gear could keep you dry and prevent you from getting hypothermia. This gear includes my biggest hiking gear mistake.
This means bringing the right gear when hiking in hot weather, or hiking during winter.

Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash.
Pay Attention
This one also seems pretty basic and common sense, but not everyone does it. You need to pay attention to where you are so that you don’t get lost when you go hiking. Look around at landmarks, make sure you stay on the trail and don’t get off on a side trail. Here are some other tips to help you avoid getting lost.
Know When It’s Time To Go Back & Go Back
It’s crucial that you be able to stop and go back when your safety is at risk. Personally, I have a hard time with this one, especially if I am trying to hike to a destination such as a peak or lake. It’s hard to know if the weather is too bad that my safety is at risk. However, it’s super important to know that you may have to not make your destination and go back to the trailhead sometimes. You need to always keep your safety in mind.