Watch for the spring courtship display of the Red Tailed Hawks.
Signs of spring in the Rocky Mountains range from flowers to animals. Here are some of the common animals to look for in the spring.
I always find spring to be such a blessing after a long, cold winter. It’s so great to see spring wildflowers adding some color to the landscape. The warmer temperatures means that I can feel comfortable exploring the mountains again without freezing. People aren’t the only animals that become active in the spring. Here are some other common animals and behaviors that are signs of spring in the Rockies.
Signs Of Spring, 4 Rocky Mountain Animals To See
Mountain Bluebirds
These lovely, small birds become a common sight in the springtime. They are between a sparrow and robin in size. They are commonly seen in wide open areas up to the alpine zone.
Red Tailed Hawks
These are the most common hawk in North America and can be found in the Rocky Mountains. In the springtime the Red Tailed Hawks put on an impressive courtship display. The two birds will be seen soaring in wide circles, higher and higher. The male will dive down and then swoop back up. Finally, he’ll come to the female from above her, grab her and mate. As the two hawks are mating they will plummet towards the earth before letting go and flying again before they hit the ground. It’s a pretty crazy way to mate and unforgettable if you see it!

Look for elk that are migrating and shedding their winter coats.
Elk are one of the big animals of North America that can still be seen in the wild. These magnificent animals spend the winters at lower elevations so that they can graze and have food to eat. Then in the spring they begin to migrate back up to higher elevations. You may also see them shedding their thick winter coats. In the spring they sometimes look very bedraggled with long loose hairs hanging off of them.

A rattlesnake is a common animal of the Rockies.
Rattlesnakes start to come out in the spring and become active. Of course, when they do this depends on the outside temperature. It there’s still snow and it’s cold they don’t come out. The reason temperature dictates when they come out is because they are ectotherms, which means that they can’t regulate their own body temperature. Thus, as the temperature warms up their body warms up and they become active. They will start to come out when the temperature is around 60 degrees and then they’ll be more and more active as the temp gets into the 70s.