A common loon is an example of a bird that swims underwater.
A number of birds swim underwater in rivers, streams, oceans, or lakes. Here are 5 bizarre birds that seems to think they’re part fish.
As I’ve talked about before I enjoy watching birds. I find it fascinating how birds live in so many different parts of the world and have such different behaviors. Some that live in the forest are experts at flying through thick brush to hide and find food. Others travel half way around the world on long migrations. Some other birds that live in very different parts of the world have evolved to swim underwater.
These 5 Birds Swim Underwater
Here are some of the birds that possess the remarkable ability to swim underwater. These birds have all changed in some manner that helps them swim and stay underwater. Some have large feet, heavy bones, or small wings.
Many of these birds swim underwater in order to find their preferred food source, such as fish or water plants.

An American Dipper walks, wades, or swims underwater.
American Dipper
The American Dipper is the only aquatic songbird in the world. It lives in many areas of the world, including the Rocky Mountains. It lives in high mountain streams and walks, wades, or swims underwater to find food.

A cormorant lives near the ocean and swims underwater.
There are many different species of cormorants. These birds live near the ocean and spend their days diving underwater to catch fish to eat. More likely you’ve seen them standing around on shore holding their wings out to their side.
Cormorants are good swimmers underwater, but they are not the most adept flyers. If you see them flying they may look like they have to flap their wings a lot to stay aloft.

An Anhinga is another bird that swims underwater to catch its food.
I remember watching this bird swimming underwater in the Florida Everglades. I was shocked and impressed that this bird could do what it did.
The Anhinga is a bird of the south eastern US, living in swamplands. It is similar to a cormorant, but has a sharper, more dagger like bill.

A penguin is a very unique, tough bird. Look at those wings.
I think most of us have heard of a penguin. These cute birds live in some of the harshest areas on earth. They either waddle along shore, slide on their bellies, or dive in the water and swim like fish. They are excellent swimmers.
Diving Ducks
There are lots of different kinds of birds that live near water. Some of these stay on top of the water, but others are known as diving ducks. These diving ducks dive underwater to find their preferred food, which may be fish or just aquatic vegetation.
Some common diving ducks include Loons, Grebes, Scaups, Hooded Merganser or the Common Goldeneye.