Look at this beautiful adult Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
A butterfly lifecycle and moth lifecycle are mostly the same, but there are a few key differences. Here is an overview of both lifecycles, including a nice diagram, and the main similarities and differences.
Both moths and butterflies are types of insects that undergo metamorphosis. There are 5 main ways to tell apart a butterfly and moth, such as when they are active. I have often heard people talking about a cocoon or a chrysalis. Do you actually know what those are? Well, in this post, I will explain the moth and butterfly lifecycle, including the difference between a chrysalis and a cocoon.
Complete Metamorphosis
Both the butterfly and moth undergo complete metamorphosis, which means they change form from the time they are born until they become an adult.
All insects undergo metamorphosis, but there are two kinds – complete and incomplete. Complete means there are four life stages in the butterfly lifecycle – egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

General lifecycle of butterfly and moth.
Butterfly Lifecycle and Moth Lifecycle
Egg – Both butterflies and moths begin life as an egg. The egg is usually attached to a leaf or the stem of a plant. The eggs can be laid by the adult in rows, stacks, masses, or singly by themselves (it depends on the species).

The larva or caterpillar of a Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly.
Larva (caterpillar – the eating stage) – The larva or caterpillar will emerge out of the egg. The caterpillars main goal in life is to eat and grow bigger. It eats leaves and other parts of plants.
I always remember the kids book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, that shows the hungry caterpillar eating everything and growing bigger and bigger. As a kid I absolutely loved the book and read it over and over. I loved seeing that tiny caterpillar get big!
As the caterpillar grows it needs to shed its skin in order to get bigger. It does this many times until it is ready to prepare a pupa.

Bunch of chrysalis’s with some newly emerging butterflies.
Pupa (the transformation change) –
- Moth – A moth will prepare to pupate by making a cocoon out of silk. The caterpillar spins the silk around its entire body in order to protect itself. Then inside this protective cocoon, the moth transforms from a caterpillar into a winged adult.
- Butterfly – A butterfly will also prepare to pupate, but instead of making a cocoon out of silk a butterfly will simply find a safe, hidden spot. Once it has found a safe spot, the caterpillar will form a chrysalis. A chrysalis is a special, hard shell that the caterpillar makes out of protein. A caterpillar of a butterfly uses a small amount of silk simply to attach itself and its chrysalis to something so that it won’t move while it is becoming an adult.

The adult form of a Painted Lady Butterfly.
Adult (the reproduction stage)– This is the final stage in the moth or butterfly lifecycle. When ready, the newly formed adult will break out of the cocoon or chrysalis and the winged moth or butterfly will emerge.
The new adult will need a little bit of time to spread it wings open and let them dry before it is able to fly. Then it will fly off and begin searching for a mate so that it can reproduce and make babies.
You Can Grow a Butterfly at Home
We bought a ‘live growing butterfly’ set from a store that we found to be fantastic. Basically, you get a mesh enclosure, instructions, and info on sending away for five live Painted Lady Butterfly caterpillars.
Then you can watch as the caterpillars grow, make a chrysalis, and finally emerge as a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly. It was so neat to sit around the table with my kids and watch the Painted Lady Butterfly emerge out of the chrysalis. It was a great learning experience for all of us!
You can always learn more about the common bugs of the Rocky Mountains or what makes a bug a bug.