6 Amazing Snow Facts For Kids And Adults

snow facts

Photo via Flickr.

Have you ever heard that no two snow flakes are alike?  Well, here are 6 fun snow facts that will teach you a little bit more about the white, fluffy stuff.

Recently during a nice, calm snow storm my family and I went outside to watch the snow falling.  It was one of those special times in the Rocky Mountains surrounded in a white wonderland.  We stared up at the flakes trying to catch them in our mouths.  That got me thinking about how amazing snow is.

No Two Snow Flakes Are Alike

Yes, this is true.  Every single snowflake that falls is unique.

It Can Never Be Too Cold To Snow

While it can be too warm to snow, it can never be too cold to snow.  Snow can occur at very low temperatures as long as there is some moisture in the air and some way to lift or cool the air.

Most Heavy Snowfall Occurs When The Ground Is Above 15 Degrees F

If the ground is too cold then the air simply can not hold that much moisture.  The most heavy snowfalls occur when temperatures near the ground are between 15 degrees F and 32 degrees F (freezing).

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Photo via Flickr.

Igloos Can Be Up to 100 Degrees Warmer Inside Than Outside!

Believe it or not, but it is true!  Snow contains a lot of air, which is great at insulating or holding in heat.  In fact, many animals and some people dig out snow caves to stay warm and toasty during a storm.

Snowflakes Are Usually Small

Anyone that has tried to catch snowflakes in their mouth during a snowstorm will know that most snowflakes are small.  In general, they are less than a half an inch in diameter.  However, under the right conditions the snowflakes could be as big as two inches across!  There is a rumor of snowflakes up to 15 inches across that fell in a storm in Montana in 1887.

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All of the colors of the light spectrum come together to make snow white. Photo via Flickr.

Snow Is Not White

The actual ice crystals that make up snow are not in fact white.  Rather they are clear and colorless.  There are many tiny surfaces on the snowflakes that all reflect different colors in the light spectrum.  The light coming off the snowflake appears to be white because all of the colors that are reflected coming together.